
Alex Boyko

Studying computer science at the Unversity of Washington, Seattle.

Enjoy the challenge of creating new things in software development.

Check out what I've done ↓

Professional work

Co-creator and developer of an application serving as an all-in-one collaboration space that allows users to create, share, and track multimedia learning materials.

Currently re-designing + transitioning from React to NextJS and TypeScript.

study assistant
AI Study Assistant

Designed, built, and deployed a real-time chat application which provided an interactive study assistant powered by OpenAI.

Led end-to-end frontend development, worked with partner team on backend implementation.

Released and made publicly available for high schools and universities.

Side projects


A crawler that finds all available resources from a specificed link, organizing discovered links in a directory structure you can easily navigate.

icon carousel
Icon Carousel

A simple vanilla JS script for an interactive rotating icon carousel.

The current version of the carousel works with icons from the iconify-icon library.

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